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木曜日, 5月 12, 2005

The excitement never ends

It isn't everyday you get to blow through an entire paycheck, within two days of receiving it.

Security Husband and I have had terrible luck with laptops. Now, part of that is due to my Death Touch, which took the form of a perfect cup of coffee last summer (it doesn't do a thing to processor speed, in case you're wondering). But this time, we have mechanical problems, pure and simple. Our new laptop which we acquired after the coffee incident runs warm, but starting midwinter, it began overheating. We chalked it up to a variety of factors, propped it up on erasers. In the last few weeks it has been shutting down regularly, but we thought it might be due to some other factor. Tuesday evening, it flashed up a blue screen, said there was some kernel error, and said it should be restarted. Well. It didn't. Hard disk would not respond. (Though, on a matter of luck the next morning, it restarted long enough for me to shuffle EVERYTHING important from the C drive to our external hard drive.)

This timing could not be worse, yet at the same time, could not be better. Security Husband has research for school he MUST finish. Hard deadlines to meet. He had been looking forward to coming home that evening and then programming for hours. On the other hand, Tuesday was payday. Security Husband started a job last month, and this month he will receive his first paycheck.

To make a long story short, we went on an excursion with the Bitter Baron and R from Minakuchi...to the Apple store in Otsu. The BB picked up an external hard drive, R priced laptops, and we walked away with an iBook. No more Windows. Well, at least until our other laptop gets back from the shop--it IS, luckily, still under warrantee.

It seems like a good idea to name all the computers, now. I was given Chibi-chan, my teeny laptop running Win95 from a friend, already named. We refer to the lump of inert circuitry in our closet at The Coffee Computer... but what now? The white computer was just "research computer," but I feel like it should be called something a little more accurate. How about 暑死? Atsushi is a perfectly legitimate name for a guy... But with kanji that mean "hot" and "death"... I think that should work. Now to think of one more, for the mac.


At 11:34 午後, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Call the Mac - something like smooth operator, or white fuzzy. Hopefully your luck with it will be better.



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