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日曜日, 11月 30, 2003

I found this in my own sleepless night. I would like to say that The Wife and I actually know someone that perhaps suffered a mild form of this. He left Japan and is now studying in Australia. He wants to meet a homosexual because he's never seen one before, and he also wants to learn to dance. I can't say we were great friends, but we helped him with his English and he hung out with us on several occasions. I even started him on Small Tiger Form. Pretty cool fellow. He called us from Australia about two months ago, said everything was going well. The stats about the suicides I can readily believe. We've been on several trains which have had "accidents," as they call them, with a person. I had the lucky chance of seeing the "accident," once, something I never want to see again. The Wife also had one of her students' fathers commit suicide. So, I guess in the now two years we've been here, we've probably been privy to five or so suicides. Anyway, those of you interested in Japanese culture might find the article interesting.

Going to a koto and shamisen concert today as well, so perhaps a little on that when we get back.