So help me, Saint Elmo
UCLA is out. At least for me. Got the email last night, and the decision was "we regret to inform you..." Sorry, Dan. We will have to visit you to taste the culinary delights that are LA. On the other hand, there was no indication on the online status form that anything at all had been received by them since December. Ie: No transcripts. No recommendations. Well, suffice to say I trust my recommenders. But the registrar's office... no. Security Husband had to request transcripts twice (he, unlike me, actually was concerned and contacted another school before the deadline to assure that they had received them). I assumed that my airmailed request (well ahead of the deadlines) to the registrar would make certain my transcripts got to the school well and early. I can put on my best face for rejection, if it was on my own merits that I failed. But so help me, if the registrar didn't bother to send my transcripts in, thereby sabotaging my chance at entering a really good program, Saint Elmo burn them please.
Did you ever find out what was up with the transcripts?
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