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月曜日, 5月 10, 2004


Wow, it has been a while since I've posted anything and the Bitter Baron is getting on my case, because I apparently provide him with a modicum of amusement. The past month has been exciting with the promise of more excitement in the near future.

Japan Stuff

The Wife and I spent a bit of time discussing our position here in Japan and how we feel we are not taking advantage of it. This has spurred an attempt to see Japan on a budget. We live so close to Kyoto, in particular, that we felt we should spend some time exploring, especially since we try to go to Kyoto every Sunday. It has not been a flurry of activity, but more like a subdued enjoyment of the whole experience. What I mean by that is: instead of the intense stress of a family vacation, where one's dad wishes to see the largest ball of twine or the geographical center of North America while everyone else stands around being bored, we've taken our time and enjoyed the company of each other as well as those friends that have come along with us. The Wife has done a bit more than I have in terms of wandering Kyoto, but that's fine with me.
Our friend and Japanese instructor Nishida took us to a restaurant called Hatsune. It specializes in Unagi, or eel. The food was divine, and we plan on taking all who visit us to partake in the eel that melts in your mouth and not in your hand. The restaurant is located in Seki, which is in Mie prefecture. A short jaunt down from Hatsune is a portion of the Tokaido Road which has been maintained in historical architecture and lack of electrical lines crowding the sky. We spent some time wandering the road and enjoying a beautiful spring day. Most fun.
Last week was Golden Week, thus The Wife had Monday through Wednesday free of work so we decided to relive some of our college days. We traveled to Shigaraki where R lives and met with D from Hikone and had a night of roleplaying and MST3K. In the morning we went to the Miho museum, which was most beautiful. The museum is located in the mountains around Shigaraki, immaculately designed, and run by a cult that worships beauty. The museum is a private collection of one of the members. After walking through the museum, which was small in comparison to some of the museums I've been to, and larger than some, like the museum of Aboriginal Art that The Wife and I went to on our honeymoon.
In June we have some friends returning to Japan and they are planning on visiting us, but we are planning on using the opportunity to visit them in Tokyo and spend some time there. Who knows what we'll do, maybe spend the nights sleeping in Saizerias and rubbing elbows with the JVR (Japanese Visual Rock) scene. I think it likely.
In July we have some more friends coming to visit us and they have an idea of what they want to do so that helps a lot. We're planning on staying at Koyasan, visiting Hiroshima again, spending some time around Kyoto and Nara as well. Visitors are a weird occurrence because they shake me out of the idea that I'm just living here and bring to mind the fact that it is merely temporary and that we, that is The Wife and I, live on a bizarre between resident and tourist.

School Stuff

Well, exams are over and I have about a month before I begin a class that I've been waiting for, Computer Ethics and Law. More importantly, the IIIA grant, that my professor applied for, came through, which means I'll be starting research during the summer. The research will cover my thesis and most likely be published, which will be most advantageous. Also advantageous is the fact that I will be getting paid for doing this. I'm giddy with excitement. I'd really like to have the paper published in "Phrack," but we'll see how it goes. I'm also talking to the heads of the program that I'm in to see if I can't finish off the degree in two years rather than three because I'd like to enter a PhD program upon leaving Japan. This is important if we end up attending a school in Europe, in which case it would be cheaper to fly straight there rather than heading home and then back out again. I'm looking at Edinburgh, and I've been in contact with the program there. I've also been talking with a friend here that is willing to help me to get a UK teaching certificate for Maths, since they are apparently lacking teachers for those subjects.

Other Stuff

We met R from Minakuchi's sister a week or so ago. She reminded me a lot of my own sister, young and full of energy. My own sister is currently teaching Math(s) in Chicago, but as she says, "If I don't have a serious relationship by this time next year, I'm joining the Peace Corps." To which I say, "'Tis a honourable and brave endeavour." Plus, it's great for paying for postgrad work. I've done some quick reading of a couple of "TRUE COMPUTER CRIME STORIES," Masters of Deception, by Michelle Slatalla and Joshua Quittner, and The Cuckoo's Egg, by Cliff Stoll. Both of the books were enjoyable as quick reads, and once I get my domain name I'll start posting some book reviews. Ummmmm, I think that's about it.


At 9:48 午後, Blogger 景都 said...

I really like the new layout, and the new posting system. I hope those of you that still frequent this page enjoy the new features as well.

At 8:59 午前, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Oooh! Nice new posting system!! *purr*



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