Huzzah! It has been quite a while. Like all life, my current position is one of both perceived good and bad. The grant money I had hoped to get was not available to me, thus I will not, most likely, be giving a presentation at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. It wasn't going to be much, just a 5 minute talk about the current research I'm doing, still, it would have been nice.
So, while that is disappointing, I have had additional good news about the research. I brought some observations I had about the original project to the attention of my research advisor. He was quite ecstatic at what I was suggesting and then brought that attention to some of the top people in the field I'm working in. They had not heard of it, at least in public literature, so we've decided to go ahead with another paper after the original is finished.
I've started a website with my good friend Dan and some other friends. You should check out the Societey for Reflective Consumption of Media. We are hoping to develop a community of friends whose opinions can be trusted for making timely media choices. The new intellectual will be one that is able to filter information for relevancy and we hope to be a part of that filter for many.
I have a long booklist of things I have read and must review and things I want to read. The latest on that queue is Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm: Toward a New Generation of Evolutionary Algorithms. It is about what the title suggests, a scheme for utilizing a Bayesian Network for promising solutions, while sampling the built network for other solutions, which the network interjects back into the genetic algorithm.
The Wife and I are in a limbo here, so this counts as more bad news I suppose. We're not certain if we will have jobs here, so we may be returning home after this August. This has more possible outcomes, which could be considered good or bad, but I'm going to let time adjust my perceptions in this manner. I think that about sums up my life so far. I know this has been terribly mundane, but most of my thought has been directed elsewhere.
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