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火曜日, 6月 21, 2005


There is a lot, yet not a lot to update. Security Husband thought he could drop the summer course he has no time to take, but it turns out he can't, unless he wants the incomplete he received last summer to turn into something that will drop his GPA through the floor. So! After a whole day of feeling liberated, he realized that he was not free after all. Back to work.

As for me, I was excited to relate that I got a haircut! The romantique dolly-curl-afro is gone, and now it is kinda... interesting. Flappery, perhaps, or lots of bitty fairy curls.

There is more! We were up almost all weekend doing apartment hunting (I am too burnt out on horror about "thank you money" and housing deposits that all I can say is... ohhh yeah, we are gonna need SH's current paycheck and half of mine to get into a new apartment at all. Dios mio.)... and it was fun, if not totally exhausting. I got kinda sick, spent Monday recouping. I am trying to break my addiction. Day two of headache. I thought withdrawal from caffeine only lasted a day! ;_;

Read some AMAZING literature-- finally finished The PLAGUE, by Camus. Have some thoughts to share there, but... that will have to wait until I get the book in front of me while I am writing here.

I at last took steps at work today to confront the system...gently. Maybe one day I will get into a description of office politics in the Japanese workplace, but I have flexed my gai-fu, and shall see what fallout there is. Hopefully good fallout. I don't deal well with being angry for long periods of time.

There is so much more to share, so many more current events, but I think this will do for now. Waifu outto.