I'm finally heading home after two weeks of traveling from Chicago to the East Coast of the USA and then back again. I've been to several schools that I'm considering for a PhD program. I wish I had more time, as I was completely jet lagged for the first three schools I visited. I've found at least two schools that I could be happy spending five or six years working. It was also good see my parents, my wife's parents, my grandparents, my sister, and some of my friends in Boston.
One of the things about moving around a lot is that I know people just about everywhere I stopped. I had a friend of mine show me around Pittsburgh and treat me to lunch. I was able to spend a couple of nights with a friend in Boston and even got to see The Blue Man Group at the Charles Theatre. I recommend seeing the show if you haven't. It reminds me a lot of a modern Kraftwerk, both celebrating technology and showing the isolating effects of that same technology. I'm not going to go into details, as I don't want to give too much away, but very fun.
I'm not writing anything nearly as cool or thoughtful as The Wife these days, but I've been having some excellent discussions with friends. Actually putting down those conversations evades me at the moment; maybe, when I have some time to actually relax at home I'll feel more comfortable with them.
I board my plane in an hour and a half and need to get some reading done to keep up with my classes. The End! for now.
Or you stopped places you knew people.
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