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水曜日, 11月 29, 2006

Adventures in Going Crazy

Today was a bit out of the ordinary.

To summarize the last long while since we have posted, life has been kind of hectic between organizing baby handoffs, doing daily loads of laundry, dealing with colic and reflux, staying abreast of school things including papers, AIing, transportation to and from locations... but we did get to go home for Thanksgiving holidays, and three cheers for grad school, three cheers for state school- we left on Tuesday, and came back Monday morning. I plowed through two books, plus a sizable chunk of another, plus some odd pages of one more... while Mom and Dad watched Harper. Free babysitting-- we got to actually -go out- to a movie, our first one out since the girl was born. (Casino Royale, quite a different Bond... but I am not doing movie reviews today.)

So, today. Security Husband left for class, and while I was doing some quick pickup around the living room, I noticed that I wasn't seeing very well. In fact, little blurry rainbows and flickering lights took up a big chunk of my vision. I called health services, and my mom. (She's never had migraines, I thought I might be getting one. The eye clinic said it sounded like I had an ocular migraine--the visual symptoms without the killer headache. My eyes did hurt; I had a mild headache, and I was sensitive to light. But I was also tired, from fussy baby the night before, so I figured what I needed was a nap.) Then, a half hour or so later, my hand and part of my face went numb. I called health services again; they said to come in. By now, I was kind of panicky. Long story short, after an exam, and two cat scans to make sure everything was okay (something I had never thought I would undergo, kind of like CHILDBIRTH), I am... normal. Maybe the new birth control triggered a migraine of sorts. But things were kind of tense for a while. (And this bill is going to suck. But, better safe than sorry.)

As a result of the CT scan (which used a contrast substance injected into my vein so that things would show up better), I can't breastfeed for fortyeight hours. This is making Harper VERY. ANGRY. She wants to be fed the way she likes, but I am tainted. Poor baby. Poor us.

I was kind of hoping that the end result of the cat scan would show that I have telekinesis, or some other sort of super power. If my vision was acting weird, maybe I could end up with, like, the ability to see in the dark, or into some ethereal universe. Sadly, all I have is a mild headache.


At 2:38 午前, Blogger Steph said...

Hi Kate,
I'm sorry to hear that you've had headache troubles and that the CT scan didn't reveal hidden powers. :) Glad you're feeling better. How was your Christmas? Any new photos of Harper to post or email? We'd love to see how you're all doing. I had a Christmas card for you, but I seem to have lost your addrss- could you email it?
Merry Christmas!
Steph Jacobson



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