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木曜日, 12月 04, 2003

Okay, so if you didn't get the last post, The Super Station, not TBS, but The Super Station here in Japan, is airing Knight Rider episodes as well as Macgyver. It is really quite astonishing how terrible Knight Rider is/was. When I watched it in the 80s I just wasn't aware at all on how bad it was. I know this is probably breaking with orthodoxy, but it has to be said. I guess the biggest problem, or perhaps the saddest thing, is that an inanimate object is capable of out acting David H. Also, wow can that car can do everything. Combination locks, no problem, safes, easy as pie, walking upstairs, well, they're working on that. I mean, there really isn't a reason to have a human actor in the show at all. What really strikes me is the similarities between Knight Rider and Riding with Death, a doomed TV drama that was spliced together into a feature film staring Ben Murphy and a disgusting cracker that always seemed to have spittle smeared liberally on his lips. "That abbey, she's some gal." I like the plot outline, "Dimwitted, meaty guy foils criminals by turning invisible." As always, best when viewed through MST3K. I'm done studying for the night. I had been banging my head against a problem for a long time when I realized that I had skipped an iteration of the algorithm. Things like that annoy me to no end. I am not a computer, I don't want to do things like a computer. It is also already Thursday, which is awesome because it means that my exam is tomorrow, which means that the weekend is fast approaching.

I took all the recycling out yesterday. It isn't something I enjoy, especially since last month we missed it and moved it to our veranda to get it out of the way. It then decided to rain for 60% of the next month, filling the bags of recycling with yummy water. It was only half sorted so I spent about two hours sorting through soggy cardboard and half-filled cans. MMMmmmmm, Oichi dechu ka? I did get it all out though, so we won't have a collection of stuff all December and January.

Music: I'm listening to Sonic Youth and Marzuki. There is just something about Sonic Youth's music that I find most amusing. A lot of what I listen to has nothing to do with liking it, it is a sense of amusement I get from it. The Youth have this way to pull out a coherent melody from the most beautiful cacophony. Marzuki is a band I enjoy listening to, alas, they went the way of Class Action, though Sufjan Stevens was a member of the band, if you happen to know who he is. They all work with the independent lable asthmatic kitty. I'd like to get some of Stevens' albums, but, sigh, priorities in money and all that. Oh, I also started an Amazon wish list, not for actually getting anything, but as a way to see what my own desires are. It has been interesting, but also time consuming, and I'm not near completed yet. Going to bed now.