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木曜日, 3月 11, 2004


Well, I watched へえ へえ へえ again tonight. It is an amusing show. It was suggested to us by a friend of ours as an excellent show to work on our Japanese. Since it goes over the trivia several times, slowly, it is fairly easy to pick up something of what is going on. One of the things I learned tonight, 99% of all calico cats are female and Godzilla flew in Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971) by using his atomic breath. I missed this one, but they had it in the recap, apparently there was at one point in time in Japanese history a Ninja strike. Just imagine, you're attempting to compete with your neighbors, but don't know what the Jones' have, so you have your ninjas investigate and find that the Jones' just bought a new gun of some sort. You get one yourself, but you're still nervous but when you try to send your ninjas again they say no way, you're not paying us enough for the danger. What do you do? Apparently not pay your mystical assassins. I'm not sure if, as a ruler, that would be a good policy, but apparently the ninjas wouldn't stand for it and had themselves a strike. The power of the people... backed by mystical killing powers, which reminds me of the Ninja wars that took place in the early 16th century as part of the Onin no Ran and Sengoku Jidai. The Koga ninja houses, not physical houses, but groups, asserted their power as a political force and actually halted the armies coming north from kyoto. They began to set up the new Japanese capital at present day Otsu, seeing as it had a lovely view of Biwako. However, an infusion of Buddhist Monks coming up with the Shogun quickly subdued the Ninja Insurrection, but for a period of about 3 months, Japan was in control of the Koga Ninjas. Later.