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金曜日, 5月 14, 2004


Guild Wars is a very pretty game, and if I felt I had more than 24 hours in a day, I would perhaps play it. My interests and priorities have drifted from computer games in general and more towards the discovery of covert channels and table-top roleplaying games. The overriding priority though is, "What would I be in a post-apocalyptic scenario?" I know I've posted on this before, but it haunts me like trying to live up to what their father expects haunts others. It is, to a large extent, how I measure my success. Hence, the reason I wish to be published in Phrack, a respected journal of online mischievity (I know it isn't a word, but I liked it, so I'm using it). Given my own measurement system of myself, I'm not entirely certain what it means when I say, "I am very pleased with my life." So gauge, "I am very pleased with my life," with "What would I be in a post-apocalyptic scenario?" Kind of weird.

Speaking of which, Nishida, The Wife, and I had a talk about pressure points. Seems she knows quite a few of them because she used to massage her husband quite a bit. I happen to know quite a few because they're good places to punch people, or grab them in an Eagle Claw and squeeze, then pull down hard, ripping tendons and muscles. The wife got to experience demonstrations of both Nishida's and my knowledge of the subject. I imagine she enjoyed the strong, but gentle pressure to my, "Oh Oh, there's another one here! A sword finger strike can easily puncture the skin there!" Well, I think that about does me. Martial Arts, Computers, Post-Apocalypse, and Roleplaying, yep, I think that about does it.


At 10:16 午前, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Man, what does it take to change your google ads? I mentioned Martial arts, roleplaying, Guild, and Wars, Computer, Games, and Post-apocalyptic. I thought that would surely change the ads, but no. Well, Kung Fu D20 Cooking. Hah! Take that google.



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