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水曜日, 10月 19, 2005

A Bullet List of Recent Events and Unmentioned Previousnesses

* GRE taken Monday. Verbal 680, Math 580. Lesson learned: borrow others' premade study materials. (Thank you, Cat.)
* A little over a month since I became a legal worker. Visa status: Specialist in Humanities/Other. I find this amusing.
* Postman apologized in person to husband for mail being slightly wet from rain.
* Participated in country-wide census October 1st. YEAH, BABY. We contribute officially to Japan's foreigner population. Nod to D from Maibara: "You light up my ceeeeensuuuuus!!"
* Imotsuki--"potato moon,"-- this month's version of a harvest moon. Perfect skies. * SecHus plans to start Aikido and Iaido on Saturday.
* Still trying to find times on naginata class. Thought the one at the budoukan (a FIVE MINUTE walk from us) was smack in the middle of my Saturday class. Sorely disappointed. SecHus visited, nobody there. Perhaps the judo teacher was mistaken? Soft tummy says, "EXERCISE ME!!!"
* I have Halloween all week. I love my job. I get to carve a pumpkin every single day.
* We have acquired a second mama-chari, from M-chan, my coworker. For free. Now SecHus and I BOTH got wheels... VROOM.
* I honestly thought my boss left obscene drawings in the menu at Coco's. I thought we would never be allowed back there again. Found it in my wallet last night. Phew...??