This is security husband for a change
But I'm a bit at a loss of what to say. There are personal updates: I'm still doing course work, I'm working on my thesis, and I'm applying to PhD programs. The Wife alluded to some difficulties we were having upon my return to Japan, and we've been trying to find time together. The difficulty with this plan is that if we spend time together at the apartment, it usually involves very little communication. An example, **type type type type type type type type type type type** "Do you want some tea?" "No, can't have caffeine or I won't be able to sleep." **type type type type type type type type type type** This isn't so much anyone's fault, but representative of how busy we've become and an example of how the mudanity of life can destroy the excitement of learning about other people or other things. I expressed to my friend Daniel Hengeveld that I feel that I'm shrinking as a person the more I focus on my "specialty." It isn't so much that I don't enjoy what I'm doing, because I do, immensely. I have the joy of discovery, but feel that I have little time for discovery outside my school work.
However, sitting here, thinking about it, I know that isn't true. I've started playing my guitar again, I've been reading a fair amount of things outside of what I'm studying (though much of it pertains to what I want to study). I've also been spending a fair amount of time wandering around Hikone. Hikone is a pretty sweet city. There is so much culture here. The Wife is looking for a Hikone history scholar she can talk with about it. Anyway, I've got to get back to my work.
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