log web page visits Blaaarrgh!: 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004

水曜日, 9月 08, 2004


Okay, for the last time. I read an article in the Guardian that made me think of several of you that read this blog. Perhaps you have already read the article yourself, but if not, I have included a link here. I say last time because blogger has not been publishing my post when I hit the "Publish Post" button, so if you are reading this, then it has actually posted, and if not, what I have said is lost in the sea of datagrams.

火曜日, 9月 07, 2004


Well, this week has been an interesting one so far. We've had three earthquakes in two days. They were all around 7 at the epicenter, but they were only 4 by the time they reached us, but still, having the cement block we call home shake did something to my assumptions about what is normal. That, in turn, caused some amount of fear; that, and wondering if cement is really the best building material for earthquake survivability, combined with, "I wonder what a four story fall onto cement followed shortly by two more stories of cement falling on top would feel like," and finally, "I hope the people in my project group won't be too angry if I end up in the hospital." Regardless, everything is okay, even after the three earthquakes and the two typhoons that we've been sandwiched between. A cornucopia of natural disasters! HUZZAH!