Okay, So, the baby has arrived. Kate sent out a mass email, though some of you that read this blog may not have received the email, specifically if you have never emailed Kate. After much deliberation over names we have come up with the name Harper 久音 Schramm Kelley, or Harper Hisane Schramm Kelley. We've had some confusion about the name; we wanted a name that had conotations of seeking and speaking truth. I've put up some pictures on our flickr account, if you care to see. Also, much thanks to David Bytewerk for the matress; unfortunately, we did not know where to get in touch with you, so you get public mention. I know I have not been posting much on the blog, a lot of that has to do with moving and still working on my previous Master's thesis, while at the same time starting another Master's program. For those of you that are interested, the Master's thesis can be summed up as this: you can't trust the government, nor the companies that say you should trust them. Here is a novel way that they can take your information. Even in the presence of mitigation techniques, this novel way performs at least as well previous techniques, and without the presence of mitigation, performs about 125% better than previous techniques, within the confines of the experiment. Anyway, Harper is sleeping soundly, so I will seek sleep myself. I hope to be able to maintain my own posts more regularly in the upcoming year, though you may see a spin-off site that deals with research issues, not quite certain yet. TK